Tuesday, March 27, 2012

chocolate, cheese and champagne shops

Would like some suggestions on where to go for chocolate, cheese and champagne in Paris. Celebrating our 25th anniversary. She loves chocolate and champagne.



Two of my personal faves: Maison du Chocolat at 225 r. Faubourg St. Honoré and John Paul Hévin. MdC and Hévin both have several shops around the city. Neither of these are the trendiest. But they%26#39;re both tried-and-true.

You can get very good Champagne, by the glass, at any good restaurant in Paris. I do it all the time. Have her try a Kir Royale, which is Champagne with a few drops of Cassis in it. Wonderful.


If you are shopping at Galeries Lafayette you may have a look at Lafayette Gourmet: you%26#39;ll find chocolate, cheeses, champagne and more at the same place.


It%26#39;s in one of our favorite food shopping neighborhoods in Paris (but not a neighborhood a tourist would likely pick) but it%26#39;s such a jewel that we go there once a week now. %26quot;Maison de Gastronomie, Nicolas Julhès%26quot; at 54 rue du Fbg Saint-Denis in the 10th. The place is just amazing. It has 3 store fronts within a few meters of each other that cover bread to cheese to wine to pasta and even specialty olive oils. They always have wine to sample and the prices are excellent. Just before new years eve we sampled 3 champagnes and made our selection with the help of someone who actually knew something about champagnes. The prices are not tourist prices. We are addicted to %26quot;beurre cru%26quot;, (unpasteurized butter, as-in butter that our great grandparents enjoyed) and you can buy it there. Really great place off the tourist track.


I followed the chocolate suggestions from the back of David Lebovitz%26#39;s (a college friend turned pastry chef/cookbook author) chocolate cookbook... Christian Constant and Gerard Mulot were 2 of my favorites! His site - davidlebovitz.com is a wealth of information for eating your way through Paris.

The place in Gare de Lyon (Train Bleu?) is a great place to stop for a glass of Champagne.

I was in a hotel with a small refrigerator and could only fit a split of Champagne but I was buying them daily!


The best champagne cocktails in the city are at the Ritz bar. VERY pricey, but a fun memory.

You could head to the Bon Marche. They%26#39;re a one-stop luxury shop for the three c%26#39;s. They have Joel Durand chocolates from the south of France. Divine.

For a more artisanal experiences, all near the Bon Marche :

My favorite chocolate shop is Jean Charles Rochoux on the rue d%26#39;Assas (and yes, I have tried them all, regularly!!!!) he is close to La Maison du Chocolat so you can taste and compare!

Or one of two excellent cheese mongers, Barthélémy, 51 rue Grenelle and Quatrehomme, 62, Rue de Sèvres. B is very old fashioned and quant, Q is less charming but has an incredible selection.


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La Maison du Chocolat may be a start



but I suspect what you want is somewhere where you can sit down and indulge in all three, rather than picking things up at a shop. In which case you may be looking for a good restaurant where you can begin with a glass of champagne, proceed through the meal to a sublime cheese trolley and finish with chocolates. However, I suspect the cheese trolley is dying in Paris, I didn%26#39;t see one this time. Maybe small selections chosen by the chef as at Jules Verne and Bouquinistes, but not the ones I remember from previous visits with 20 cheeses to choose from, all looking pristine.

I have to say that after working our way through a wonderful meal at Cordeillan Bages restaurant at Pauillac, when I couldn%26#39;t eat another thing, after the cheese trolley which had the requisite number of cheeses, and of different knives to cut said cheeses, they brought round a CHOCOLATE trolley. Unfair, they should have warned me and maybe I could have left some room.Dainty little chocs topped with gold leaf, beautiful truffles, slabs of different sorts, cremes, nuts, sigh...

If money is no object you could try La Tour D%26#39;Argent which does have the best view in Paris, fantastic duck, a great cellar which would naturally encompass champagne and %26quot;a cheese trolley the size of a hospital bed%26quot; Can%26#39;t vouch for the chocs though.



Sorry, I see the question was in the heading. You could visit Fauchon and Hediard, both superb food shops also with wine. Fauchon has many made dishes that you can take home to eat as well as chocolates, wine and cheeses. Hediard is like the most superb grocer with every food item you might want. Just walking through them is a treat. Buying a meal to have at the apartment would be fantastic.


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